At our final day of our staying in Lisbon we once again visited the police department close to Lisbon EXPO center, where we stopped our time at early morning. We are very glad for the support of the Lisbon police for their record time confirmation. Then all our team gave a short interview to a Portugal TV-channel and we went to the old center square at the sea side to shoot our official arrival press shots. Also we filled the water of the Atlantic Ocean with the water from Pacific Ocean, which we brought from Magadan. After that we had a warm welcome from Lisbon mayoralty, where we met with Georges from Lisbon cabinet and Sonia form sports department. We gave them our souvenirs and flag from the mayor of Magadan. Of course, we made some pictures as a memento of this great meeting and we hope that our World Record Tour help to start a friendship between these two the most extreme Western and Eastern cities on the Eurasian continent. Also we met our friends in Lisbon Volkswagen dealership, where we made some pictures at the biggest Lisbon dealer. So it was a wonderful day, full of impressions. We are very happy to manage to set up a new world record time! It’s now time to say goodbye and to say thank you to everybody, who helped and supported us and of course followed us, to course all our sponsors and partners, who supported us from the beginning of this project, and to all our friends, who believed in us and wished us success.! Thank you very much it was great to have you with us. Keep up with us.
Author: Peter Bakanov